v1.4.1 - Renovation Update (8/15/2022)
-Fixed an inflation bug
-Added an option to toggle autosave
-Added an option to toggle offline progress
-Added new statistics!
-Achievements are gold when you have achieved all of them
-Added 1 news message

v1.4 - The "Way Too Many Softcaps" Update (8/13/2022)
-Added 2 new mechanics, Quadratic Formula and Root Epicenter.
-Added in 4 new completable challenges, so you can finally complete them all!
-Added a new row of Square Root Upgrades!
-Rebalanced Challenges era in v1.3.
-Fixed the bug with your save jumping a unix epoch (for real this time).
-Nerfed Quadratic Upgrade 1 to ease the post-Quadratic progression curve.
-Added 10 new achievements.
-Renamed "Inflation?" achievement to "To B or not to B"
-Made certain progress-related news messages only appear after reaching certain points
-Added 11 news messages

v1.3.1 - Hotfix Update 2 (7/27/2022)
-Fixed a game-breaking bug with Challenges
-Updated Challenges CSS in Dark Theme

v1.3 - The Challenging Update (7/26/2022)
-Added a new mechanic, Challenges! Complete harder Quadratics for powerful rewards!
-Added Y-Intercept (otherwise known as inflation), which boosts Coordinate Plane a lot and costs slope to purchase.
-Added the 8th X Upgrade and a new row of Quadratic Upgrades!
-Rewrote the entire game again (changed x^2 formula, expanded Coordinate Plane, automation placed in other tabs, better CSS, removed points softcap, nerfed functions, and more)
-Added a Statistics tab!
-Added 50 news messages

v1.2 - The Uprooted Update (8/20/2021)
-Added a new mechanic, Square Root! Square Root is basically Time Dilation yay
-When exiting Square Root, you gain root essence based on your X and Y
-Added 12 new upgrades that cost root essence
-You can now sacrifice x2 once you buy the 6th root essence upgrade
-Fixed text that was black in dark theme
-Added 6 new achievements!
-Added 4 new X upgrades that can be unlocked with the 3rd root essence upgrade
-Buildings can now produce the previous building with the 6th X Upgrade
-Added offline time! When you go back online, you'll get a small time boost based on how long you were gone!
-There is now a softcap for points at 1e500 points, be careful!
-Added 10 news messages

v1.1.1 - Hotfix Update (8/18/2021)
-Changed a news message
-Max All now works correctly
-Added actual achievements! They don't give you any reward, but maybe they give you bragging rights!
-Changed the top UI and the building UI a bit
-Fixed a bug with the Function Autobuyer not working
-Fixed a bug with the Y Autobuyer not working
-Made the Quadratic tab unlock after you Quadratic for the 1st time

v1.1 - The Quadratic Update (6/27/2021)
-Added a prestige layer, Quadratic, with its currency x2
-Added 16 brand new Quadratic Upgrades
-Added 5 autobuyers to make your life easier
-Added Coordinate Plane, in which you can sacrifice your x and y for boosts
-Changed the UI a bit
-Added hotkeys!
-Added the title with the version number between the news ticker and tabs
-Added dark theme (kinda bad rn, we will improve it in next update)
-Fixed a bug with the 3rd X upgrade not working
-Added a total multiplier from functions display
-Added more info on buildings in the Generation tab
-Made the Hard Reset button look better
-Added a link to this changelog in the Options tab
-At the beginning of the game, only 1 building is unlocked, and you unlock the other 2 buildings when you buy the previous one once
-Added 10 news messages

v1.0 - Launch (6/25/2021)
-Added points, x, and y
-Added 3 buildings (Autoclickers, Point Factories, Point Portals)
-Added an options menu, includes saving, import/export, and reset
-Added 4 upgrades to buy
-Added 3 functions that multiply your production!
-Added a news ticker with 30 unique news messages